
Frida Cahlo's Chronology


I had two big accidents in my life.
Diego, the trolley and You.You are by far the worst.

西暦 年齢 ■ 出来事
1907 0 On July 6, Magdelena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon is born in Coyoacan, Mexico, the third of Matilde Calderon and Guillermo Kahlo's four daughters.
1913 6 Frida suffers an attack of Poliolyelitis, permanently affecting the use of her right leg.
1922 15 Frida enters the National Prepatory School, Where she Meets Diego Rivera.
 フリーダは「National Prepatory School(国立予科高校)」に入学し、そこでディエゴ・リベラと会う。
1925 18 On September 17, Frida is Seriously Injured in a Streetcar Accident. She Begins to paint during her convalescence.
1926 19 Frida Kahlo's earliest paintings include Portraits of Alicia Galant, her Sister Adriana, Miguel N. Lina, and a Self Portrait dedicated to Alejandria Gomez Arias.
 フリーダ・カーロの最初の作品の中には、「Portraits of Alicia Galant, her Sister Adriana, Miguel N. Lina, and Arias(アリシア・ギャラント、姉のアドリアナのやミゲル・N・リナの肖像画)」と、「a Self Portrait dedicated to Alejandria Gomezアレハンドリア・ゴメス・アリアスに献呈した自画像)」がある。
1929 22 On August 21, Frida Kahlo Marries Diego Rivera. She is 22 years old, he is 43.
1930 23 On Nevember 10, Frida arrives with Rivera in San Francisco
1931 24 In San Francisco Frida meets Dr. Leo Eloesser, who becomes her lifetime Medical advisor.
 サンフランシスコではフリーダは生涯主治医になるLeo Eloesser(レオ・エレッサー)博士に診察を受ける。
    After a brief trip to Mexico in November, Frida and diego travel to New York for his retrospective exbition at the Museum of Modern Art.
1932 25 In Detroit for Diego's work on murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Frida is Hospitalized because of severe hemorrhaging.
 ディエゴのDetroit Institute of Art壁画の仕事先で、フリーダは大出血をし病院に搬送される。
    Frida's Mother Dies.
1933 26 Frida and Diego live in adjoining studio houses built for them by Juan O'Gorman in San Angel.
    Diego begins an affair with Christina Kahlo, Frida's Sister.
1935 28 Frida and Diego seperate.Frida temporarily takes an apartment in Mexico City, then in July travels to New Yourk. When she returns, the couple reconciles.
1937 30 On January 9, Leon Trotsky and his wife, Natalia Sedova, arrive in Mexico and stay at the Casa Azul.
 1月の9日、レオン・トロツキーと彼の妻ナタリア・セドヴァはメキシコに到着、フリーダの「Casa Azul(青い家)」に滞在する。
1938 31 French surrealist Andre Breton visits mexico and meets Frida. American Collector and film actor Edward G. Robinson purchases 4 works, her first significant sale.
    From October 25 to November 14, Frida's first one person exhibition is held at the Julian Levy Gallery in New York.
1939 32 Frida travels to Paris in January for Mexique, an exhibition arranged by Andre Breton which features her paintings. The Lovre purchases her self portrait The Frame.
 アンドレがフリーダの作品を出品した展覧会「メキシコ」のために、フリーダは1月パリに赴く。ルーブル博物館が彼女の自画像「The Frame」を購入する。
    Frida returns home in April, and in the Fall she and Diego begin Divorce proceedings, which are finalized in November.
1940 33 In January The Two Fridas and The Wounded Deer are exhibited in the International Surrealism exhibition arranged by the Gallery of Mexico City.
 1月に「The Two Fridas」と「The Wounded Deer」がメキシコ・シティ・ギャラリーが開催した世界シューレアリズム展に展示される。
    Frida Goes to San Francisco for further medical treatments from Dr. Eloesser. She shows her work in "The San Francisco Golden Gate International Exposition." The Two Fridas is shown in New York at the Museum of Modern arts exhibition "Twenty Centuries on Mexican Art."
 フリーダはサンフランシスコで主治医のエレッサー博士に外科手術を受ける。サンフランシスコ・ゴールデン・ゲート世界展で出品、ニューヨーク現代美術館の「20世紀メキシコ芸術」展に「The Two Fridas」が出品される。
    On December 10 in San Francisco Frida remarries Diego.
1941 34 Frida's father dies.
    Frida returns to the family home in Coyoacan to live.
1942 35 Rivera begins building Anahuacalli, his anthropological museum.
    Frida's "Self Portrait with Braid" is included in the exhibition "20th Century Portraits" at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
 フリーダの「Self Portrait with Braid」がニューヨーク現代美術館の「20世紀の自画像」に展示される。
1943 36 A Frida Kahlo Painting is exhibited in a group show "A century of the Portrait in Mexico (1830-1942)" at the Benjamin Franklin Library, Mexico City. Her work is included in "Mexican Art Today" at the Philidelphia Museum of Art and is shown in Peggy Guggenheim's "Art of This Century" Gallery in New York.
    Frida begins teaching at the Ministry on Public Education's School of Painting and Sculpture, La Esmeralda.
 フリーダはメキシコ文部省のLa Esmeralda(ラ・エスメラルダ)絵画美術学校で教え始める。
1946 39 Frida paints The Wounded Deer and Tree of Hope, Stand Firm. She goes to New York for surgery on her spine.
 フリーダは「The Wounded Deer」と「Tree of Hope, Stand Firm」を描く。ニューヨークに脊柱の手術を受けに行く。
1947 40 Self Portrait as a Tehuana (Diego in My thoughts) is Exhibited in "45 Self Portraits by Mexican Painters from the XVIII the the XX centuries" at the National Institute of Fine Arts.
 「Self Portrait as a Tehuana (Diego in My thoughts)」が国立美術館で「18世紀から20世紀のメキシコ人画家による45枚の自画像」展で展示される。
1949 42 Frida Writes the Essay "Portrait of Diego," and she Paints Diego and I and The Love Embrace of the Universe which is exibited at the inaugural exhibition of the salon de la Plastica Mexicana.
 フリーダは「Portrait of Diego(ディエゴの肖像)」というエッセイを書く。そして「Diego and I and The Love Embrace of the Universe」がプラスティカ・メキシカーナに展示される。
1950 43 Frida is hospitalized for 9 months because of reaccuring spinal problems.
1951 44 Frida paints Self Portrait with Portrait of Dr. Juan Farill, several still lifes, and Portrait of my Father.
 フリーダは「self Portrait with Portrait of Dr. Juan Farill, several still lifes, and Portrait of my Father」を描く。
1953 46 From April 13-27, Frida's only individual exibition in Mexico is held at the Galauna de Arte Contemporaneo.
 4月13日から27日まで、メキシコ「Galauna de Arte Contemporaneo(ガラウアナ現代美術館)」で個展が開かれる。
    In July, her right leg is amputated below the knee because of gangrene.
1954 47 Frida is hospitalized in April and May. On July 2, convalescing from bronchial pneumonia, she takes part in a demonstration protesting US intervention in Guatemala. On the night of July 13, she dies.
1957   On November 24, Diego Rivera dies in his San Angel Studio. He is buried in the rotunda of Famous Men in Mexico City, depite his expressed wished to be creamated and his ashed comingled with Frida's.
1958   On July 30, the Casa Azul is Opened to the public as the Frida Kahlo Museum.

 ※上のイメージは、nostalgia.com より許諾を頂き使用しています。
 ※この年表は、私がスペイン語があまりわからないので、カリンさんの「フリーダ・カーロ」の英語サイトの年表を幸なりに訳しています。誤訳、誤植や脱字はお許し下さい。Thanks to karin."frida.kahlo"
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